Recipe: Perfect Glazed Ham or Gammon

March 26, 2021

Glazed Ham or Gammon.

Glazed Ham or Gammon Glazed Ham or Gammon highly diverse and have mind taste that unique. Several kinds of Glazed Ham or Gammon recipes are also sufficient convenient to process and do not pick up lengthy. Even though not everyone likes Glazed Ham or Gammon food, now several people are get attached and like the various Glazed Ham or Gammon foods available. This can be seen of the number of restaurants that prepare Glazed Ham or Gammon as one of the dish. You can cook Glazed Ham or Gammon using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Glazed Ham or Gammon

  1. It's 1.200 g of raw ham joint,or salty Gammon.
  2. Prepare of Plenty of clean cold tap water.
  3. You need of Plenty of Golden Syrup.
  4. It's 100 g of Dijon Mustard,half of a 200g jar.
  5. You need 250 g of Unsalted Butter.

Glazed Ham or Gammon step by step

  1. Soak the raw Ham Joint in cold tap water so that it is well covered with water,I used a large - deep - cast Iron Spaghetti Pasta Saucepan - soak for 24 hours.Then rinse the ham joint,particularly if it's salt preserved raw Gammon of Ham - and then boil in the same large Saucepan - the ham joint - for 1 hour and 30 minutes..
  2. Set the oven at Gas Mark 4 and melt the 250g of Unsalted Butter (whole block usually).Place blanched ham joint in the deep Skillet of melted butter - pour Lyle's Golden Syrup over the One side of the ham joint and then spread 50g of Dijon Mustard over the top and then precede too do the same with the other side - don't baste - just place Kitchen Foil over the top and then bake at Gas Mark 4 for 1 hour..
  3. Remove foil from the meat,give a fresh Second glaze and then roast at Gas Mark 7 for 30 minutes - allow the whole cooked Ham Joint to rest for maybe 30 minutes and then either serve with a Roast Dinner,or leave in the Fridge overnight for making sandwiches the following day,or days..

To get ingredients for making Glazed Ham or Gammon recipes is also not hard. You can easily get the main ingredients at the closest supermarket and even on the market. There are many kinds of Glazed Ham or Gammon that are simple and fast to process into delicious serving. You can constantly practice this Glazed Ham or Gammon recipe at home, and can provide it to your children and extended family. If you want to cook another foods on our website, we provide sundry types of food recipes which are of certainly very delicious and enjoyable to enjoy, please try they.

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