Recipe: Delicious Healthy Smoothie bowl

February 16, 2021

Healthy Smoothie bowl.

Healthy Smoothie bowl Healthy Smoothie bowl highly diverse and own mind taste that unique. Few kinds of Healthy Smoothie bowl recipes are also adequate easy to process and dont take long. Although not everyone likes Healthy Smoothie bowl food, nowadays several people are getting attached and like the sundry Healthy Smoothie bowl foods on hand. This could be visible than the number of restaurants that prepare Healthy Smoothie bowl as one of the serving. You can cook Healthy Smoothie bowl using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Healthy Smoothie bowl

  1. Prepare 2 of Saguaro cactus fruit.
  2. Prepare 1 cup of frozen strawberrys.
  3. Prepare 2 of frozen mandarin oranges "peeled".
  4. You need 1.1 of \2 cups of. Fresh apple juice.
  5. You need 1-2 tablespoons of granola.

Healthy Smoothie bowl instructions

  1. Belend all the fruit in the apple juice in a high speed blender..
  2. Pour in a bowl.
  3. Smooth the top and add granola.. Enjoy.

Obtain ingredients for making Healthy Smoothie bowl recipes is also not tough. You can easily get the main ingredients at the nearest supermarket and in fact on the market. There are ample types of Healthy Smoothie bowl that are easy and quick to process into delicious dishes. You can constantly praxis this Healthy Smoothie bowl recipe at home, and can presenting it to your children and extended family. If you wish to cook another foods on our website, we provide various types of food recipes which are of course very delicious and enjoyable to enjoy, please try their.

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