
Recipe: Delicious Easy and tasty Pão de queijo

April 16, 2021

Easy and tasty Pão de queijo.

Easy and tasty Pão de queijo Easy and tasty Pão de queijo most diverse and own ideal sense that unique. Several kinds of Easy and tasty Pão de queijo recipes are also enough convenient to process and do not take lengthy. Though not everyone likes Easy and tasty Pão de queijo food, nowadays some people are got attached and like the sundry Easy and tasty Pão de queijo foods available. This can be visible from the number of restaurants that provide Easy and tasty Pão de queijo as one of the serving. You can cook Easy and tasty Pão de queijo using 4 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Easy and tasty Pão de queijo

  1. It's 120 cc of water (room temperature).
  2. You need 250 g of Pão de Queijo mix.
  3. Prepare 100 g of Swiss cheese.
  4. You need 2 of eggs.

Easy and tasty Pão de queijo step by step

  1. Prepare Pão de Queijo mix..
  2. Grate all cheese..
  3. Mix all ingredients by hand in the bowl..
  4. This looks may be enough..
  5. Divide into bite-size and make them round..
  6. Bake in the oven after preheating. 180℃, 20 minutes..
  7. We made it!.

To get ingredients for production Easy and tasty Pão de queijo recipes is also not hard. You can easily get the main ingredients at the nearest supermarket and in fact on the market. There are many kinds of Easy and tasty Pão de queijo that are easy and fast to process into delicious serving. You can always praxis this Easy and tasty Pão de queijo recipe at home, and can presenting it to your children and extended family. If you want to cook different foods on our website, we supply various types of food recipes which are of course very delicious and enjoyable to enjoy, please try them.

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